Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephan W. Aberle
Group LeaderTel.: +43 (0)1 40160-65555
E-Mail: stephan.aberle@meduniwien.ac.at
PubMed, Researcher profile
Molecular technologies are fundamental for diagnostic clinical virology and the rapid implementation of tests to detect newly discovered emerging viruses. We focus on molecular Virology with the aim to significantly improve diagnosis in the field of clinical virology via the detection, quantification and characterization of viral nucleic acids. We develop new test systems, in particular for the identification of new and rare viruses. We perform sequence analysis of virus strains to monitor virus epidemiology and disease trends and to trace back transmission routes. Our main focus in this field is currently on arthropod-borne (Arbo) viruses, including Zika, West Nile and Chikungunya viruses as well as on Hantaviruses, Rotavirus and Hepatitis A and E viruses.
We support investigations and provide advice to public health experts in case of outbreaks of emerging viruses. As part of the “Emerging Viral Disease – Expert Laboratory Network” we work in close cooperation with other international experts in this field.